Overview & Architecture Edit

Envoy is a L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures. Envoy (v1.7.0+) supports an External Authorization filter which calls an authorization service to check if the incoming request is authorized or not.

This feature makes it possible to delegate authorization decisions to an external service and also makes the request context available to the service. The request context contains information such as the source of a network activity, destination of a network activity, the network request (eg. http request). All this information can be used by the external service to make an informed decision about the fate of the incoming request received by Envoy.

What is OPA-Envoy Plugin?

OPA-Envoy plugin extends OPA with a gRPC server that implements the Envoy External Authorization API. You can use this version of OPA to enforce fine-grained, context-aware access control policies with Envoy without modifying your microservice.

How does it work?

In addition to the Envoy sidecar, your application pods will include an OPA-Envoy sidecar. When Envoy receives API requests destined for your microservice, it checks with OPA to decide if the request should be allowed.

Evaluating policies locally with Envoy is preferable because it avoids introducing a network hop (which has implications on performance and availability) in order to perform the authorization check.

Envoy External Authorization Flow

💡 The OPA-Envoy plugin is frequently deployed in Kubernetes environments as a sidecar container however it can also be used in other environments as a standalone process running next to Envoy.


The OPA-Envoy plugin supports the following configuration fields:

Field Required Description
plugins["envoy_ext_authz_grpc"].addr No Set listening address of Envoy External Authorization gRPC server. This must match the value configured in the Envoy config. Default: :9191.
plugins["envoy_ext_authz_grpc"].path No Specifies the hierarchical policy decision path. The policy decision can either be a boolean or an object. If boolean, true indicates the request should be allowed and false indicates the request should be denied. If the policy decision is an object, it must contain the allowed key set to either true or false to indicate if the request is allowed or not respectively. It can optionally contain a headers field to send custom headers to the downstream client or upstream. An optional body field can be included in the policy decision to send a response body data to the downstream client. Also an optional http_status field can be included to send a HTTP response status code to the downstream client other than 403 (Forbidden). Default: envoy/authz/allow.
plugins["envoy_ext_authz_grpc"].dry-run No Configures the Envoy External Authorization gRPC server to unconditionally return an ext_authz.CheckResponse.Status of google_rpc.Status{Code: google_rpc.OK}. Default: false.
plugins["envoy_ext_authz_grpc"].enable-reflection No Enables gRPC server reflection on the Envoy External Authorization gRPC server. Default: false.
plugins["envoy_ext_authz_grpc"].proto-descriptor No Set the path to a pb that enables the capability to decode the raw body to the parsed body. Default: turns this capability off.
plugins["envoy_ext_authz_grpc"].grpc-max-recv-msg-size No Set the max message size in bytes the gRPC server can receive. Defaults to 4MB.
plugins["envoy_ext_authz_grpc"].grpc-max-send-msg-size No Set the max message size in bytes the gRPC server can send. Defaults to 2048MB.
plugins["envoy_ext_authz_grpc"].skip-request-body-parse No Specifies if the plugin should skip parsing the input request body. Default: false.

If the configuration does not specify the path field, envoy/authz/allow will be considered as the default policy decision path. data.envoy.authz.allow will be the name of the policy decision to query in the default case.

The dry-run parameter is provided to enable you to test out new policies. You can set dry-run: true which will unconditionally allow requests. Decision logs can be monitored to see what “would” have happened. This is especially useful for initial integration of OPA or when policies undergo large refactoring.

The enable-reflection parameter registers the Envoy External Authorization gRPC server with reflection. After enabling server reflection, a command line tool such as grpcurl can be used to invoke RPC methods on the gRPC server. See Interacting with the gRPC server section for more details.

Providing a file containing a protobuf descriptor set allows the plugin to decode gRPC message payloads. So far, only unary methods using uncompressed protobuf-encoded payloads are supported. The protoset can be generated using protoc, e.g. protoc --descriptor_set_out=protoset.pb --include_imports.

Additional Resources

See the following pages on envoyproxy.io for more information on external authorization:

Ecosystem Projects

Below are ecosystem projects related to Envoy Integration. Integrations are ordered by the amount of linked content.

Styra Declarative Authorization Service

Policy as Code Control Plane by Styra

Styra DAS provides an out-of-the-box integration for writing Envoy authorization policies. See the tutorial here.
View Details

Container Network Authorization with Envoy

Official OPA Envoy Integration by Styra

The opa-envoy-plugin project is the official integration for OPA and Envoy.
View Details


SPIRE can be used to integrate with Envoy and OPA. See a blog here to learn more.
View SPIRE Details

Open Service Mesh (OSM)

External Authorization supports OPA and is documented here
View Open Service Mesh (OSM) Details

View these projects in the OPA Ecosystem.